Do Hashtags Work For Copywriting?

Do Hashtags Work For Copywriting?

Hashtags: yes or no? Keep on reading to learn everything about hashtags for copywriting in 2023.

Hashtags have been around for a while, and are used by millions and millions of people, including normal users, small businesses, big corporations, and more. But, do they work for copywriting in 2023?

In this post, we answer this ultimate question and give you useful tips and tricks to help you make the most out of your hashtags to boost your business’s online presence.

Are Hashtags Relevant In 2023?

Everyone has seen and probably used hashtags at least in one post. The metadata tags allow people to easily discover your content and add your posts to a unique list that will forever exist as long as your post exists.

In copywriting, hashtags are used quite frequently by social media managers, strategists, and normal users. They are an additional tool that helps boost your content, and the more specific hashtag you use, the easier it will be to find it online.

Hashtags go way back in time, as far as 2007 when they were first introduced to the public, and since then, they have evolved to what they are and are used today.

They are still relevant in 2023, and if you’re not using them, you’re missing out on something big. Hashtags for businesses are excellent free tools to maximize their posts and have greater chances of landing on their ideal customer profile.

Copywriting hashtags is a fine art that, if you spend some time learning, you can master, leading to more user engagement, increased sales, and a desired online presence.

How To Make Hashtags Work For You

Any word or phrase that you add the “#” icon at the beginning automatically becomes a hashtag, but to write a relevant hashtag that will draw users to your content, you must do some market research and see what works for your niche, industry, or field.

Find The Best Hashtags For Social Media

To begin, you must know that the simpler and broader hashtag you use, the more results it will show to people, therefore your posts might get a bit lost. To find quality hashtags for businesses, take a look at the hashtags your competitors are using and see how many results the word throws and how far their content is.

When you start writing a hashtag, platforms will usually show you how many posts have been shared with it. If the number is massive, you might want to try another variant.

For example, the hashtag #smallbusiness has over 117 million posts on Instagram, so unless you’re one of the top small businesses online with millions of likes and followers, chances are your post will appear at the very bottom of the search.

Instead, try using some variants like #candlesmallbusiness or similar, that have much fewer posts, so people can easily find you.

Relate Your Copywriting To Your Hashtags

If your copywriting is all about promoting your new product, add relevant hashtags that have to do with that. Adding random hashtags that have nothing to do with your post will only generate dislike from your followers, and this is a huge no-no.

A great way to stand out from the rest is to create your own hashtags that people will be able to quickly associate with you. If you have special posts or a certain phrase you use as a business, make it a hashtag and encourage clients to use it as well.

Understand Your Audience & Use Relevant Hashtags To Attract Them

Finally, to use the best hashtags for businesses and find the top hashtags for social media, you must understand your audience, what they want, and what they search for.

Some key insights that you want to have in mind at all times include the platform you’re sharing your content to, the age of your audience, their income, and the content they like to see.

With this in mind, you can determine the tone of your brand and the language you’ll be using when connecting with your audience, which will reflect the type of hashtags you use.

If you have a fun, modern, and relaxed brand tone, feel free to use funny and trendy hashtags in your copywriting. Whereas if your brand is super professional, structured, and classy, stick to relevant hashtags that showcase your values.

Tips For Succeeding At Copywriting On Social Media

Copywriting is an art that anyone can master, if willing to learn and spend time practicing. Depending on your business, brand tone, values, and goals, your copywriting might be different from competitors or other businesses.

Here are some handy-dandy tips for succeeding at your copywriting (if you’re a one-person business, this part will be life-changing!):

- Be mindful of character limits and your user’s attention limit. On some platforms, you have a limit of 300 characters, whereas on others you can make use of over 63,000 characters. No matter which one you choose, you

have to know your audience’s attention limit to ensure your captions will be read and understood.

- Keep things short, interesting, and useful. Short captions are a win, and apart from this, you should make them as interesting and useful as possible so your post really makes an impact on your audience.

- Include your audience’s opinion in your copywriting. You can ask your audience a question they can answer in the comments, their feedback on your recent launch or a possible future one, and similar. This will help you improve your engagement as well as make your audience an essential part of your social media copywriting.

Final Words

In this post, we talked about hashtags for copywriting and how you can make the most out of them to maximize your business’s online presence.

With hashtags, most of the time is trial and error, so don’t get discouraged if you’re not getting the results you were expecting. Simply take note of what you did and use it to become better in the future.


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