New Features For Social Media In 2023

New social media features to look for this year to maximize your visibility

Social media is always evolving and moving fast, and sometimes it is hard to keep up with so many trends. To help you out, this post will focus on the most important social media features and trends to pay attention to this year.

We’ll talk about key things users care about and what you can do as a brand to attract valuable customers and build meaningful relationships with your audience.

Video Content Domination

Video content is not new to social media, but it will dominate in 2023 over traditional photo content.

Over the years, it became clear that video content was one of the best social media features for easily spreading information about something, showing products, and more. The results obtained after publishing videos were outstanding, and this will continue to increase this year.

There are keys to producing and sharing quality video content that will attract users and have great results. These include short, precise, and content-rich videos that can quickly make users stop scrolling.

Long-form videos are losing popularity and are sometimes hard for people to watch, thus they have to dedicate a lot of attention and time to them.

Brand Transparency

People are tired of brands not being as transparent and responsible as they should be, which is why this will become one of the most important social media trends in 2023.

If you have a small business, or run a multinational company, being transparent with your audience is key, as well as owning up to possible mistakes. The way you respond to reviews or feedback from the public, what you believe in and fight for as a brand and how you give back to people are all key factors to consider and determine if you’re looking to maximize your presence on social media.

People don’t care about brands that only sell products and remain far away from global issues. No matter if you sell clothes, accessories, or cups, or have a creative agency, or a coaching business, addressing current events that have an impact on what you do matters to your audience.

It has been reported that brands that just focus on selling and neglect to create a community that supports them and their products/services end up failing on social media.

Enhanced Social Media Shopping

A while ago we were introduced to social media shopping, in which some platforms allowed you to easily obtain products within them, or without encountering issues trying to complete a purchase.

In 2023, new social media features will enhance platform shopping, increasing the number of sales, as well as brand exposure. You can pay to create an ad that will lead people straight to your website, helping them obtain your products with one click.

The goal of social media commerce is to reduce the number of obstacles between users and your products. This can be having to click a lot to finish a purchase, not being able to find the product they’re looking for, having a quick and safe checkout, etc.

This year, social media tools will truly shine and aid businesses in obtaining the results they’ve always dreamt about.

Captions Everywhere

This is not really a trend but rather a useful recommendation all content creators, no matter how big or small, should have in mind.

Since video content is widely consumed on all social media platforms, adding captions to your content can help you maximize your engagement and visibility. You are being more inclusive by allowing people with hearing difficulties to be able to understand your content as well as people who are in a busy environment.

It is very hard to make people save your content to watch later, so adding captions is a great thing to do. Most social media platforms have easy-to-use video editors with caption tools you can use.

TikTok, for example, has an outstanding feature of captions, which works automatically so you don’t have to spend time playing your video a lot of times and typing the captions yourself.

Expansion Of Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing made its debut a few years ago, and it is currently known as one of the go-to strategies for businesses to spread the word about their products more simply and effectively.

By using the public’s real opinion, brands can obtain feedback to improve their products as well as obtain organic followers that are interested in your brand and values.

In 2023, among the social media trends mentioned above, we have to consider the expansion of influencer marketing too. Small business owners and big multinational companies can benefit from influencer marketing.

What’s great about this is that you can choose who to approach, how you’d like to present your product, and in what format (video, photo, story, feed, etc). Of course, this will depend on the influencer’s opinion since it is their platform.

Customer Service Strategies

Is not new that people use social media to communicate with brands. Some people do it for fun and to connect with companies, while others due to being tired of not having a response from the brand’s customer service.

As a customer, it is easier to mention the company on Twitter or send them a direct message on Instagram than going to their website and finding their contact information, thus they have to either call the company, send an email or visit them.

In 2023, brands are advised to incorporate customer service tools into their social media channels. Quickly responding to users and addressing crucial news and changes through their platforms.

Social Media Features

In 2023 Conclusion In this post, we talked about the new social media features that will dominate in 2023.

To sum up, the most important things brands should have in mind when revising their communication strategies this year include creating more videos and adding captions, being transparent with users, improving their online store and linking it to their social media platforms, collaborating with influencers and enhancing their customer service across all platforms.


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