Video Content Ideas For Social Media

The top video content ideas for social media to improve your online presence in 2023

Video content dominates social platforms, and sometimes, coming up with ideas can take up a lot of your time, leading to frustration and anxiety. The trend of sharing short-form videos will only increase in the following years, at a rapid pace, and those who refuse or fail to share quality content will only get left behind.

In this post, we’ll share the top video content ideas for social media that are guaranteed to be a success in your feed. In 2023, get ready to create quality and viral video content online with the help of the following prompts.

How-To & Tutorials

A classic video content idea for social media is creating how-to and tutorials of your products followers can find useful. Many statistics show that before making a purchase, users spend time researching the product and watching videos and reviews to determine whether to make the investment or not.

As the creator of your product, sharing a video about how to use it and the benefits it can bring to people can help you boost your website visits and sales. Further, it will give your followers peace of mind and can make them feel like they can trust you.

Short-form videos are the norm these days, so make sure to keep your video ideas brief but informative, with quality details and options to learn more.

Meet The Team

This generation of social media users is all about transparency and originality, and a great way to never run out of content while giving your followers something they care about is starting a “meet the team” series.

Whether you’re a one-person business or have multiple employees, sharing your story is one of the best and most profitable social media content ideas. Take turns to film short videos where you tell a little about yourself, your role in the business, and your favorite product or service you offer.

You can also do profile takeovers where you let your employees share stories and content for a day. This is great to showcase what each department does, and how each employee dominates its field.

New Product Or Launch

Before you launch a product, service, or collection, you need to create buzz and excitement among your followers. A useful video content idea to do this is to talk about the future launch and what followers can expect from it.

For example, if your product or service will solve a common issue among your audience, share videos about how soon they will finally have a solution you can provide.

Apart from this, you can use this video idea to share information about a pop-up store, convention, meet and greet, and anything related to a new launch.

Sum Up A Blog Post Or Important News

If you need video content ideas for social media that don’t require much planning or scripting, this one’s for you. Take a blog post or important news you shared and create a brief. professional and entertaining video your followers will find useful.

This way, you can merge all your platform’s audiences and ensure everyone knows about the latest updates and news.

You should keep writing blog posts and sharing written content on your website, but, thinking about your younger audience that only uses social media is also something to consider. With this social media video idea, you cover all demographics.

Don’t forget to add captions when you share a video so that everyone can understand, from people who have a hearing disability to people who are watching your video in a busy environment. Don’t take for granted that they will save the video to watch later, thus we can assure you most of them will just keep scrolling.

Behind The Scenes

Everyone loves seeing behind the scenes videos of a product, or campaign, and if you haven’t made a video about it, this is your sign to add it to your content schedule.

You can shoot behind the scenes content of a photoshoot, the creation of a product or line, or even behind the scenes of an event. Anything that will allow users to get an insight into your brand apart from the aesthetic-pleasing photos you share is always welcome.

Another social media content idea related to this involves shooting behind the scenes content where your employees appear, which they can later share on their social platforms as well. This will expand your audience and make more people interested in what you have to offer. Plus, it acts as a free advertisement!

Live Videos

Live videos have shown to be one of the best video content ideas for those who don’t have time to plan, shoot and edit. Further, it is perfect for making users part of your everyday routine as a creator or business owner.

If you’re a creator: you can go live when you’re getting dressed, doing your makeup, going grocery shopping, or just drinking something while catching up with your followers.

If you’re a business owner: set up your live video while you’re packing orders, and creating your products (candles, 3D printing, and similar) or you can also answer some of your followers’ questions about how they can use your product, if you ship to a specific country, if you’re planning on opening another location or to simply share how you started your business.

Final Words

In this post, we shared some quality social media video ideas you can include in yourcontent calendar to improve your online presence, increase your website visits and boost your sales.

When it comes to sharing videos, keep them short, straight to the point, and entertaining. Add background music or do a voiceover to avoid awkward silences, shoot your clips with a lot of light so people can easily see you or the product, and add captions.

You can add filters and effects, but don’t make them the main focus of your video thus what you say or offer might get forgotten in the background.


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