Different Social Media Strategies For Growth

The top social media growth strategies you need to implement now to grow your platforms in 2023

If you have a business or you want to make yourself a profitable social media profile, you’ve probably searched for growth strategies to speed up the process.

Growing a social media account might take time and a lot of commitment, but once you get it going you can expect to sit back and relax (just for a moment because you need to keep working on it!).

In this post, we’ll share the top special media growth strategies that will work for any profile and business so you can start growing your account today.

The Key To Grow On Social Media

Unlike what many people might think, social media growth is not just about how many followers you have. Things like how many comments you get, the number of times people have shared or saved your content, as well as the number of messages your account gets, are all very important aspects too.

These aspects are the key to growing your platforms, thus they represent engagement and actions humans do, not paid bots. Growing on social media involves expanding your audience as well as connecting with your existing followers.

This is often a lot easier to say than to do, but it is not as difficult as you might believe. To make people interested in your brand you have to create high-quality, original, and entertaining content related to your products or services, as well as to current trends, and more.

The overall goal is not hitting a certain number of followers or likes in a post, but rather getting people to visit your website, engage with your platform and purchase your products or services.

In the following parts, we dive deep into the different social media strategies for growth you can start implementing in your accounts.

Quality Informative Content

Users can quickly tell when a post has been created in seconds, with not much thought or value behind it, and when your content has been planned, researched, and with visually-aesthetic features.

The number one tip to grow on social media is to create quality content, and this can be separated into various aspects.

The first one would be the foundation of your post, what you’re trying to communicate. For example, if you have a skincare small business, the foundation of one of your posts could be about the effects of not using sunscreen in women 40 years and above. The topic is very specific and is directed to a particular audience, which already makes your post interesting and one that you need to spend time researching about.

Moving onto the second aspect, with the information gathered you have to be able to create a brief, eye-catching, and compelling post that will encourage users to share it, comment on it and, most importantly, think about your brand as a credible source.

Giveaways & Contents

A good content strategy for maximizing growth includes quality posts that focus on informing, posts that are all about selling, and posts about giving back to your audience, among others.

Giveaways and contests are a great social media growth strategy to boost your followers and your exposure. With the right instructions and requirements, you can have incredible results.

With this type of social media growth strategy, you have to advertise prizes that are related to your brand, otherwise, it can be seen as unreliable. Apart from this, the requirements you write on your post shouldn’t be too extensive or that require a huge commitment from your audience, thus this can discourage many followers.

Stick to simple rules such as liking the post, commenting on it, and sharing it in your story. Or you can come up with your own rules such as coming up with the best caption, sending the most creative image, etc.

Video Content

It is not new that short-form videos are super popular right now, and that followers tend to respond better to videos than to photos. If you’re looking for a growth strategy that can help you improve your online presence, then creating and sharing videos can definitely be it.

But not just any video, you have to carefully think about what you’re going to share (news about your brand, information about your product, fun facts, etc), how you're going to do it (speaking in front of the camera, images, animations) and which platforms you’re going to post them (Instagram and TikTok are great for video content).

Engage With Your Audience

In the beginning, we talked about how important it is to create quality content your audience can engage with, and in this part, we’ll talk about why the aftermath of that is equally important.

Imagine that you begin posting better content and start getting a lot of comments or messages, what do you do next? You need to respond to comments, and messages to engage with your community and create a relationship with them.

Listen to what they have to say and make their user experience better. Nowadays, customers tend to communicate with a brand through their social media channels before even thinking about going to your customer support page.

This will show your followers that you care about what they’re saying and that you work hard to make things better for everyone.

Final Words

In this post, we talked about social media growth strategies and how you can improve your platforms effectively.

To sum up, we consider that the top social media growth strategies involve creating quality content that looks professional and your audience can use as a credible source, doing giveaways and contests to boost your exposure and increase your followers, keeping up with video content to attract more users to your page, and engaging with your audience by responding to their comments and messages.

Growing a social media account takes a bit of time, but with these content strategies, you can surely speed up the process and have more profile and website visits as well as sales.


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