Effective Cross-Promotion: Collaborating with Other Social Media Users

Get ready to collaborate with others through cross-promotion on social media

Cross-promotion on social media refers to two businesses/brands collaborating with each other to mutually benefit from the other one’s advertising. Usually, neither brand charges a fee, since both are putting the same effort in their marketing strategy.

In this post, we’ll talk about how and why cross-promoting works, and the best way to incorporate it in your social media marketing strategy.

What Is Cross-Promotion On Social Media & Should I Use It?

This type of social media marketing strategy can be powerful when done correctly, and you might have seen examples of it all across platforms. A well-known cross-promotion example—that truly doesn’t feel like one at all—is McDonald’s and Coca-Cola. You always see them together in advertising campaigns, and when you order at McDonalds you only have Coca-Cola drinks to choose from.

Cross-promotion can be done in various forms, such as:

  • Event cross-promotion. You might see beverage brands partnering with famous concerts or events, like the Coachella and Sonic partnership.

  • Social media cross promotion. Two (or more) brands/businesses appearing on each other’s feed. An unimaginable campaign featured Lionel Messi, Adidas, and Marvel to promote Adidas’ clothing featuring Marvel characters.

  • Product cross-promotion. Kit Kat’s and Android collaboration, for example

The million-dollar question is: should you incorporate cross-promotion in your social media marketing strategy? Yes, in an appropriate way.

Incorporating Cross-Promotion In Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

As we mentioned above, there are various ways of cross-promotion, and if you’re thinking about incorporating it to your marketing strategy, here are a few things you should have in mind.

Deciding how you’d like to cross-promote should be first on your list. Do you want to come up with a new product with the help of another brand? Does sharing a picture with another brand present sound good? Or perhaps you might want to be a guest in another person’s podcast and later have them on yours?

Once you have your desired action, you can move on to finding the most suitable business or brand. Make sure to disclose all actions that will be made between the two, as well as share valuable insights pre and post sharing marketing efforts.

Apart from this, you should also determine for how long this partnership will last, the amount of posts you’ll share and relevant details related to this. After you first launch your cross-promotion, you’ll be able to see how the public reacts, and determine whether to put an end date to the campaign (like the limited-edition Kit Kat and Android chocolate) or make it an every-day thing (McDonal’s and Coca-Cola).

Cross-promotion offers a different way to market your products and brand with the help of other users. When done correctly, it can massively improve your social presence, sales, and more.

With a little planning and research, you can have cross-promotion seamlessly incorporated in your social media marketing strategy.

Get ready to collaborate with others through cross-promotion on social media

Keywords: social media marketing + strategy cross promotion + social media


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