The Benefits Of Collaborations For Social Media

An insightful guide about social media collabs for a 2023 full of growth and sales

Social media collaborations are not new to platforms, and you’ve probably seen a thousand on your personal account. But what is it with collaborations that everyone uses them? Well, they help with online growth, targeting more people, improving your exposure and so much more.

There are many different types of social media collabs you can choose from depending on your needs, budget, goals, and availability.

In this post, we tell you everything you need to know about social media collaborations to take off your business profiles in 2023.

What Are Social Media Collaborations?

Social media collabs refer to brands, influencers, small businesses, and people in general, collaborating with another account to reach a wider audience, promote both of their products or services, and improve their online presence organically.

Collabs are a great way to target more people without having to spend money on ads, and the main goal of social media collabs is to benefit both parties.

Sharing another person, brand or influencer’s post shows your audience that you’re not selfish and you care about everyone’s growth. Consequently, this can open many doors for you, thus the other party can also share some of your posts with their audience.

There are various types of collaborations for social media, which vary from the content posted to the platform chosen and the other party involved. For example, you can collaborate with a small business in your industry in a shared post, or talk with an influencer to host a Live video.

Whatever option you choose, you should know that collaborations can bring a lot of positive results to your feed and website. In the following parts, we dive into the benefits of collaborations for social media.

Social Media Collab Benefits

The process of collaborating with another profile is already an enriching experience that can aid in coming up with new ideas, creating a unique marketing strategy, and more.

Here are some of the top Instagram collabs benefits that you can also apply to other platforms.

Target More People & Find New Clients

Whether you have a small business or you’re an influencer, collaborating with another profile is a great way to target more people, find new clients, and increase your following.

When you share a post or go Live with a person/brand, their followers will be able to get to know you which can encourage them to follow you as well. Plus, if brands follow that creator you’re collaborating with, they can start thinking about you too.

Bring Creativity & Entertainment To Your Profile

If you’ve been posting for a while, doing a brand collaboration is the perfect way to break with the monotony, and bring creativity and entertainment to your followers.

When you do a collaboration on social media, you give your followers something new and exciting, which can boost your interactions and aid in creating buzz.

Improve Your Interactions

This is key for reaching more people organically, thus collaborating with another profile is known to improve your interactions.

Apart from this, if you collaborate with a local business or creator near your area, people will start to recognize you more, which can have major benefits for your sales and online presence.

Overall, the social media collab benefits include increasing your visibility online, helping both your and another person’s profile and business get discovered by more people, building a strong relationship with your audience, and showing your followers that there’s a human behind the brand.

Types Of Collaborations For Social Media

When it comes to deciding which type of collaboration to do, there are various options you should consider. The final choice will reflect your goals, availability, and needs.


Giveaways are the most common type of brand collaboration you’ve probably seen online. They consist of a brand or influencer sharing a picture of multiple products given by another brand, and a caption that typically involves commenting as many times as people want, liking the post, and sharing it.

This type of collaboration focuses on gaining more followers and improving your exposure. Plus, the winner is a bonus free advertiser, thus it will surely post pictures and videos when they receive the prize.


Shoutouts are an excellent way to share another person or brand’s work in a grateful, admiring, and loving way, without expecting anything in return. You can make this a series where once a week you choose three brands or people that are doing something inspiring, for example.

Typically they’ll be kind enough to share you in their story, but regardless of this, your followers will know that you’re doing something selfless and with the sole purpose of helping others.

Guest Posts

Guest posts are photos or videos that you allow another person or brand to share in their profile, and it is something like inviting them to share their story on your feed. You can use this type of social media collaboration to improve your interaction rates, visibility, and more.

Sponsored Posts

The last type of social media collab we’ll be talking about in this post involves sponsored posts, which are posts shared by a brand or an influencer that has been paid by the other party.

Nowadays, Instagram and TikTok require people to say that they’re doing a sponsored post (and the platforms have a default sign that will appear in those posts).

Many studies concluded that almost 80% of people have bought a product or service after seeing sponsored posts by an influencer or well-known brand.

In this post, we talked about the benefits of collaborations for social media and how you can start boosting your online presence.

Social media collabs are perfect for reaching a wider audience, helping other businesses and creators like you, and giving your followers something new and exciting.

We shared more great social media collab ideas you can start implementing to grow your platforms in no time.

Learn more about social media marketing by subscribing to my newsletter and follow me on Instagram @thesavvymediamanager!


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