Utilizing Video in Your Social Media Strategy

Social media is one of the best ways to let people know about your business nowadays. The rise of different platforms allows people to have various tools and channels to communicate their message in a special way people can be attracted to.

But not many people know why utilizing video and social media for business is the key to reaching their goals. In this post, we share the top benefits of having a social media strategy and why even bother to have one in the first place.

Why Have A Social Media Video Strategy?

Utilizing social media for business is a great way to spread the word about what you do and what you can offer to others.

Inside the world of social media, there are various ways to make people interested in your content such as posting pictures, and carousels, being active on stories, and posting videos.

But this does not just apply to one social media platform, thus depending on the type of product and target audience you have, the decision of which channel you use may vary.

Using video on social media has proven to help increase user engagement more than pictures do. Nowadays, people prefer to receive information in video format, especially videos with audio that are simple and straight to the point.

According to research, people spend 3 hours and 15 minutes on their phones per day on average, and most of that time involves watching videos.

If you’re not using video in social media or are wondering what the benefits of it are, keep on reading to find out.

Easy Search Optimization

Using video in social media should not be the exception to the rule when it comes to search optimization. But, due to the rapid evolution of platforms, videos are now optimizing themselves according to what people search related to your content.

As an example, let’s take the fast-growing platform TikTok. When you post a video with text or audio, the platform automatically filters your content and shows it to people looking for that. And when you open the comment section, you can find a search bar with related topics where your video can also appear.

This makes it easier for your videos to be seen by more people without you having to spend a lot of money on ads or other content marketing resources.

Quickly Grab User’s Attention

If you follow video guidelines for social media properly, you’d be surprised how quickly you can grab a user's attention.

Some social media video best practices include not adding super long paragraphs, making short videos that are entertaining, and adding some sort of indicator or attention-grabber that makes the user stop scrolling.

Some things should have in mind when creating a social media video strategy:

  • Adding compelling and search-optimized headings and descriptions.

  • Use relevant hashtags.

  • Add popular audio.

  • Hop on trends you can adapt to your content.

You should have a balance between promotion videos and trendy videos to ensure people are engaging with your content but also become aware of what you do. Promotion videos are those that specifically highlight your services/products and trendy videos, are the ones that have to do with current trends, as the name gives away.

Increase Brand Exposure

As a brand, you shouldn’t only use one social media platform. Depending on certain factors mentioned above the platform choice and type of content may vary.

That being said, using video in social media is a great way to increase brand exposure and direct users to your webpage.

Apart from this, using a top-class social media video strategy can help users quickly identify your videos. Whether it is by the kind of editing you use, special graphics, a familiar face, or anything that makes your brand unique and stand out.

Not to mention the importance of creating quality videos with great audio, no background noise, and the best resolution possible.

You Can Recycle Your Content Across Platforms

What’s great about utilizing social media for business, and especially using video in social media, is that you can recycle your content across platforms. A video you posted on TikTok can be perfectly uploaded to Instagram or Facebook.

Bear in mind that users like to access unique content you post on various platforms, therefore if you want to recycle your content you should also think about posting a few different things on each channel.

This way, you ensure people follow you on all your platforms and not just one, boosting engagement and retention.

For example, you can use TikTok to make your brand stand out more easily due to current trends and the popularity of the platform, and Instagram for more serious business by adding links to your story and similar.

Powerful Sales Tool

Currently, if you follow great video guidelines for social media you can turn simple videos into a powerful sales tool.

There are many ways to do this, including showing your product or service in a few seconds, creating a video with the top 3 things you can benefit from using what your brand offers, paying influencers or people to review and promote your things, etc.

Creating a sales video does not only involve actively talking about the product, thus you can show people how to use it or come up with a hypothetical scenario where your services can be of use.

In this post, I shared some excellent benefits of utilizing social media for business, especially having a great special media video strategy.

As with anything, things take time, therefore you should not get discouraged if you don’t see the engagement or metrics that you want right away.

By posting consistently and researching what competitors are using as well as current trends, you can maximize the power of videos on your platforms.

Learn more about social media marketing by subscribing to my newsletter and follow me on Instagram @thesavvymediamanager!


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