Building A Winning Game Plan For Social Media Marketing

All you need to know to create an effective social media content strategy yourself

A social media marketing strategy is the key to having a well-established online presence that will help you increase your sales, build your dream audience, and have genuine followers that will buy your products or services every time.

You can hire a professional to help you with your social media content strategy, but if you’re just starting out and don’t have a big budget, or you’re just someone who likes to do things on their own first, this article will help you out.

Keep on reading to learn how to create a successful social media marketing plan across multiple platforms and for any industry.

What Is A Social Media Marketing Plan?

As a business, joining social media is essential to connect with your audience, attract new clients and boost your sales. But to effectively do this, you need to have a good social media marketing plan.

A social media marketing plan or strategy is a detailed report with everything you need to do on each social media platform, including what you’re going to post, how frequently, which resources you’re going to use, how to track the performance of your posts and more.

It is basically a blueprint that will guide you on social media platforms and help you achieve your goals.

Social media marketing plans are concise and feature real goals you can achieve over a certain period. For example, increase your sales by 30% in 3 months, reaching 50,000 followers in a year, and similar.

You can create your own social media marketing plan or hire someone to do it for you. In the following sections, we’ll share everything you need to know to do it yourself and have outstanding results.

Have Clear Goals & Objectives

To win a successful social media marketing plan you need to get clear on your goals and objectives. Vague goals lead to vague results, so make sure to get extra specific with this, as well as realistic.

Some common goals you can aspire to achieve include increasing your brand awareness, growing your audience, and generating leads.

The acronym S.MA.R.T can help you come up with quality goals, and this means:

- Specific

- Measurable

- Attainable

- Relevant

- Time-bound

Having clear goals is the key to later measuring the performance of your posts and your ROI (return on investment). Plus, your organic and paid results.

Determine Your Target Audience

Determining your target audience is key to an effective social media content strategy, thus it will indicate where, how, and how frequently you post on social media.

As a business, the product or service you offer is for a specific public, and you need to get very clear on this. Focus on age, gender, region, financial situation, and similar factors that can aid in building your consumer persona.

For example, if your business is all about selling cleaning products, your target audience might be men and women 25-45 years old with a medium to high income located in your region or in a part of the world where shipping is easy.

Now that you have that information, analyze social media channels and find where that group spends the most time online.

Choose Social Media Channels

Depending on your target audience you might choose certain social media platforms over others. This is not a decision based on which platform is better, but rather a selection hinged on the networks your clients use the most.

You can have an online presence on multiple accounts but you should put your maximum effort into the social media platforms that will throw the best results.

To give you some clarity about which social media networks people use based on their age, here’s a brief list. Note that depending on your product, region, and other factors, this might change; it is only an estimate

TikTok. Gen Z and teenagers.

- Instagram. Gen Z, teenagers, and adults.

- Facebook. Mostly adults. Great for professional businesses such as law firms, accountants, architects, and more.

- Twitter. Gen Z and adults.

- Pinterest. Gen Z and adults.

Choosing your social media channels will allow you to determine what you’re going to post, the tools you’ll be using, and the best way to track your progress. In the future, this will make your social media marketing strategy more effective and easier, thus you’ll have direction, purpose, and resources to achieve your goals.

You can always take a look at what your competitors are doing to understand what digital content succeeds in your industry/niche.

Create A Content Plan

The last step to building a winning game plan for social media marketing involves creating a detailed content plan.

In your content plan, add the days where you’re going to film content, edit, and post it so you can have some structure and a quality content creation system. Apart from this, have a list of content ideas so you can film, edit and post multiple times a day.

Dividing the content creation process allows you to produce more things without having to finish them all on the same day. You can spend time filming various videos and the next day spend the same time editing them. When it’s posting day, you’ll have plenty of videos to post or save for the rest of the week.

Each social media platform has its own language and tone that makes people want to keep seeing certain content, but this doesn’t mean you have to post different things every time on each.

If you have a video with great content, you can edit it differently for certain platforms. Using a more professional tone for Facebook, and a more relaxed style for TikTok, for example.

Winning Social Media Marketing Strategy

In this post, we shared a step-by-step guide on how to build a winning game plan for social media marketing to achieve your goals.

The steps mentioned give you a clear understanding of what a social media marketing plan is, what to think about when building yours, and the most important factors to consider to have a successful outcome.


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